Upcoming Offerings

To know the Sutras is to know oneself. The essence of yoga, distilled and offered by Patanjali over two thousand years ago, is the earliest and most authoritative text on yoga and psychology. In just 195 aphorisms, Patanjali helps us explore the deeper layers of our own mind, it's potentials, limitations and possibilities. It is a fascinating journey: as we navigate the inner contours, we learn to live our life in harmony and alignment within and without. This course will explore the teachings of the Yoga Sutra in a practical, experiential manner so that we can integrate these teachings into our daily life seamlessly. The course includes short Asana, Pranayama practices and chanting the Sutras.

There is more to our practice of Astanga yoga than meets the eye. As suggested by Sankhya and Yoga Sutra, we need to go beyond the gross into the subtle dimensions of practice and experience. A few of us have been studying verses on Pranayama from Tirumoolar’s Tirumandiram, an ancient Tamil text, with Mrs. Lakshmi Ranganathan. This text offers extraordinary insights into the subtle aspects of practice. Lakshmi ma’am has been working with Tirumandiram for many years and is happy to share her understanding and insights from this text to strengthen our own practice in the direction of better well-being, clarity, equanimity and more…

Recorded Courses

Dr. Robert & Saraswathi are coming together to offer another workshop on Spine health: this time, Low Back Pain. With an estimated 60-80% of the population experiencing low back pain at some point in their life, a deeper understanding and an integrated approach will be very useful for you as a yoga teacher/therapist. It will also be useful for you to understand this for taking care of your own health, even if you are not a yoga teacher. 

Through this workshop, Jyotsna will help us to explore movement and posture as a means to align our physical and emotional body for free flow and expression of our vitality. Through these two sessions, we will discover for ourselves refreshing perspectives and inspiration for our daily asana practice, towards discovering a subtle, quiet breath and mind.

As yoga teachers and therapists, understanding how to adapt practices to suit individuals with spinal alignment is important so that we cause no harm, don’t aggravate existing issues and also help them overcome/ minimize/ prevent future problems. Scoliosis is a spinal deviation that affects individuals at many levels causing pain, disability, functional limitations and of course, its impact on the mind and one’s sense of self, especially when the deviation is severe, is very significant. This workshop brings together the traditional, classical yoga therapy approach and the structural orthopedic/physiotherapy approach to treating scoliosis.

We are delighted to announce the long awaited study session with Master teacher, Sriram. Those of you who have experienced his teachings before would never want to miss this one: in-depth exploration of the Sankhya philosophy. He will be exploring this text over 2 weeks (8 sessions) that will include study, chanting and short practices. Sri. R. Sriram is a long term student of Sri. TKV. Desikachar and taught for several years under his personal guidance at Krishamacharya Yoga Mandiram.

To know the Sutras is to know oneself. The essence of yoga, distilled and offered by Patanjali over two thousand years ago, is the earliest and most authoritative text on yoga and psychology. In just 195 aphorisms, Patanjali helps us explore the deeper layers of our own mind, it's potentials, limitations and possibilities. It is a fascinating journey: as we navigate the inner contours, we learn to live our life in harmony and alignment within and without. This course will explore the teachings of the Yoga Sutra in a practical, experiential manner so that we can integrate these teachings into our daily life seamlessly. The course includes short Asana, Pranayama practices and chanting the Sutras.

There is more to our practice of Astanga yoga than meets the eye. As suggested by Sankhya and Yoga Sutra, we need to go beyond the gross into the subtle dimensions of practice and experience. A few of us have been studying verses on Pranayama from Tirumoolar’s Tirumandiram, an ancient Tamil text, with Mrs. Lakshmi Ranganathan. This text offers extraordinary insights into the subtle aspects of practice. Lakshmi ma’am has been working with Tirumandiram for many years and is happy to share her understanding and insights from this text to strengthen our own practice in the direction of better well-being, clarity, equanimity and more…

Recorded Courses

As yoga teachers and therapists, understanding how to adapt practices to suit individuals with spinal alignment is important so that we cause no harm, don’t aggravate existing issues and also help them overcome/ minimize/ prevent future problems. Scoliosis is a spinal deviation that affects individuals at many levels causing pain, disability, functional limitations and of course, its impact on the mind and one’s sense of self, especially when the deviation is severe, is very significant. This workshop brings together the traditional, classical yoga therapy approach and the structural orthopedic/physiotherapy approach to treating scoliosis.

We are delighted to announce the long awaited study session with Master teacher, Sriram. Those of you who have experienced his teachings before would never want to miss this one: in-depth exploration of the Sankhya philosophy. He will be exploring this text over 2 weeks (8 sessions) that will include study, chanting and short practices. Sri. R. Sriram is a long term student of Sri. TKV. Desikachar and taught for several years under his personal guidance at Krishamacharya Yoga Mandiram.

Dr. Robert & Saraswathi are coming together to offer another workshop on Spine health: this time, Low Back Pain. With an estimated 60-80% of the population experiencing low back pain at some point in their life, a deeper understanding and an integrated approach will be very useful for you as a yoga teacher/therapist. It will also be useful for you to understand this for taking care of your own health, even if you are not a yoga teacher. 

Through this workshop, Jyotsna will help us to explore movement and posture as a means to align our physical and emotional body for free flow and expression of our vitality. Through these two sessions, we will discover for ourselves refreshing perspectives and inspiration for our daily asana practice, towards discovering a subtle, quiet breath and mind.