Exploring Posture & Alignment

Jyotsna is a long time student of yoga, who started her journey with R Prabhakar and continued with TKV Desikachar, studying with them the principles and practice of yoga. Parallely she studied classical Bharatanatyam and is deeply intrigued by the inherent aesthetics of the human form - the relationship between form and function and the experience of grace.

Today she attempts to walk the path towards this understanding, through study of classical texts, personal enquiry and dialogue with mentors and colleagues - a path she loves to share with anyone who feels like walking along.  

A brief overview of the topics covered: 

Session 1:  Understanding what we mean by posture and alignment - a relationship between form and function.  Attempting to arrive at a grammar for alignment, through classical Indian perspectives of the human form.  An experience of sthira-sukham in alignment.  

Session 2:  Moving / movement from the space of sthira-sukham, what does it involve?  Is there a grammar for such a movement?  

Date & Time: December 11 and 18
3 - 5.30 pm (IST) 10.30 am - 1 pm (CET) 9.30 am - 12 pm (GMT)

Fee for Indians (in India) - Rs.2000  
Fee for International students -  35 USD* (receivable)
* Please add the transaction charges (can be around 3.5 USD)

Please Note: Recordings of the sessions will be made available for all registrants for a short period of time (until 31st December, 2021)

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